Sunday 18 March 2012

Much to celebrate from Australia, Canada & Spain.

We have much to celebrate within our SCI family.Over the last few days, we have celebrated the spectrum of the going home process, from the birth of babies to getting on the plane and finally going home. This is what SCI is all about, making families complete and sending them home.

From Spain, the best on news parents ever wish to hear:

Felicitaciones por el nacimiento de sus mellizos, un niño saludable y hermosa chica

(Congratulations on the birth of your twins, a healthy boy and beautiful girl)

From Canada, lovely words from a family completed:

Dear Dr. Shivani,

When we thought there was no hope, you came into our lives as a blessing  in disguise, with your optimism and positive attitude. With your help, and  the able assistance of the entire staff at SCI, we are now the proud parents of twin daughters, and we sincerely thank you from the bottom of

our hearts for this wonderful moment in our lives,

Two ever grateful parents.

And from Australia, parents and babies home in two and a half weeks,:

Congratulations to all the families, we wish you the choicest of blessings.

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