Saturday 15 December 2012

From Argentina : Now and forever our hearts divided between India and Argentina

After years of infertility and the struggles that go with it, this Argentinian family can celebrate the joy of having their first baby - another SCI family together at last.

"Estimada Dra Shivani

Estamos muy contentos de haber recibido a nuestro primer hijo a traves del sevicio de SCI Healthcare
Estamos muy agradecidos de su dedicacion y cuidado que han seguido con nuestro hijo Francisco Agustin tambien con el cuidado y el cumplimiento de obligaciones por parte de nuestra madre subrrogada.
Nuestro corazon desde ya estara dividido entre India y Agentina.
Esperamos poder seguir en contacto con Uds. por futuros deseos de agrandar la familia.
Francisco y Nosotros agradeceremos hasta el fin de nuestras vidas lo que han hecho por nosotros.
Graciela y Fernando

Dear Dr. Shivani

We are very pleased to have received our first child through the SCI Healthcare service.
We are grateful for their dedication and care that have followed by our son Francisco Agustin also with care and compliance obligations by our subrrogate mother.
Our heart from now will be divided between India and Agentina.
We hope to keep in touch with you for future enlarge the family wishes.
Francisco and us appreciate until the end of our lives what they have done for us.
Graciela and Fernando"
We wish this family the choicest of blessings and years filled with joy, laughter and light.
If you wish to find out more about surrogacy, please email us at :

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